Saturday, November 19, 2011


I've been Ghana'd. Some colleagues of mine and me were supposed to meet in a town called Hohoe to plan for our upcoming girls camp, so we set the time for 12 noon. Of course, I live pretty far away, and on a good day it will take about 2.5 hours of strict travelling just to get there (not counting free time waiting for tranports arrivals). I allowed myself an extra hour for waiting, and in case something happened (its Africa, after all). 8:30 I was roadside waiting for a vehicle. And waiting. And waiting some more. Two hours pass – not a single car going the direction I'm going (only 1 passed the other way during this time). Since as a PCV we aren't allowed to ride motorcycles, and by now its too late to walk two towns over to catch a vehicle from there – I cancelled my trip. Boo.
The sad part is, I tried to take a shortcut today, that is, take a route that cuts about an hour off transit time. After being repeatedly assured by multiple people that I would get a car going the new direction (and one person who said it was foolish to go that way), I deluded myself into beleiving that a car would come. Alas, Ghana won, Mike zero.
So a few days ago at school the students were erecting a bamboo tent, of sorts, to block out the sun (which, let me remind you, since we are on the equator, its hot!) for our upcoming sports day at the school. This by itself isn't too exciting (more a common occurance), but then all the extra bamboo they collected, poked hole to make them pipes of varying lengths, and then started to pound them on some excess cement area. The overall effect was a hypnotizing methodical melody (sounding a lot like a drum circle, but with bamboo sticks!) that put me to sleep under a mango tree. Only in Africa will students spontaneously create their own music when they are bored and develop songs to sing in response to the day.
Other interesting tidbits:
1.Playing volleyball with other teachers and townsfolk is now happening (thanks Mom!)
2.Thanksgiving is approaching, and I'm going to the northern nether reaches of Ghana
3.Went to a small town nearby and slaughtered a chicken
4.Sports day happened, and my town (Gbogame) won for both boys and girls football
5.I got sunburned for the first time in three months (thanks volleyball)
6.Starting to somehow prepare for Foreign Service Officer's Test (FSOT) to take sometime next year.

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