Sunday, July 17, 2011


Greetings! Its finally time for another blog update. This term at school is still ongoing; we are on a trimester system here, so this is the third term (but uninformed students consistently misspell it as 'terd'), and I've decided to start playing football (soccer) with my students on Fridays. Another teacher, who could play semi-professionally, is on the opposite team as me. Now I played soccer (football) when I was younger and was decent, but simply put this teacher puts me to shame. Even the students, at 13-17 years old are good. Take my school of about 100 students, and pit them against regular middle school in the US... these kids would dominate (assuming they had working-condition footwear!) I am better than most of the kids, however I dont have cleats (a major disadvantage, including this past time when we played through a major rainstorm.); ergo three times running now, my fellow teacher's team has beaten my team (though we are closing the gap).
The semester is almost over, and the coming term break means vacation!! Seeing family again, travelling, hooray!!